
10 Researchers from ACEM Selected in the List of "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers 2023" Released by Elsevier

Publisher : MBA Office       Mar.27,2024

On March 27, 2024, Elsevier released the list of "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers 2023".

15 researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University were selected in this list for primary subjects of "Business Administration", "Management Science and Engineering", and "Applied Economics", of which 10 researchers (including double-employed ones) are from ACEM. The rest 6 researchers are from Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance and China Europe International Business School.

The researchers selected in the list from ACEM are:

Business Administration: CHEN Fangruo, LIU Yi, YIN Haitao, ZHU Qinghua, ZENG Saixing

Management Science and Engineering: DONG Ming, LI Yuan

Applied Economics: CHEN Gongmeng, WU Wenfeng

In addition, Professor JIA Weiping, a double-employed academician of ACEM, was selected for the subject "Clinical Medicine". 

The “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers 2023” list includes 5801 researchers from 496 universities, enterprises, and research institutions, covering 10 disciplinary fields and 84 primary subjects of the Ministry of Education.

This list mainly uses Scopus, a globally authoritative citation and index database, as the statistical source of scientific research achievements of Chinese researchers. 2023 saw the tenth release of this list.

The list of “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” includes those authors whose scientific research achievements are published with signature of Chinese (mainland) institutions in Scopus database and who are currently working in China (including non-Chinese-citizen and non-Chinese researchers). The list only counts the scientific research achievements published by researchers as the first author or corresponding author.