
Year 1

1st Semester (Core courses)
Management, Teamwork and Communication

Students will analyze, organize and execute communication tasks in a variety of business settings and will learn to develop and apply sound professional judgment in various international business environments. Students will be expected to improve their practical abilities to evaluate, prepare and deliver reports, speeches and presentations. This will be accomplished via class exercises and group learning inside and outside the classroom.
The objectives of this course are to help IMBA students (1) communicate effectively in managerial and executive situations; (2) learn to work productively in teams; and (3) understand concepts and processes in cross-cultural management.

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

International corporation have been strongly challenged on their ethical practice and governance by investor, media commentators, government, international institutions, NGO’s and wider society. Business Schools have been criticised for promoting shareholder wealth creation above the demands for ethical leadership and responsible business practice and for failing to raise awareness of social and ethical issues within core disciplines. Investors are increasingly relying on ESG(Enviromental, Social and Governance)factors to guide their investments and these factors are ultimately a judgment on the governance quality of a corporation in economic, social and environmental terms.
In this international context, the IMBA course in Management Ethics and CSR is highly relevant and is central to the long term success of managers. The course teaches students how to integrate the ethical, social and environmental dimensions with shareholder and stakeholder expectations in decision-making and organisational strategy. It will enable students to be more aware of the significance of personal integrity in management and of the conflicts that can arise within the organisation as well as in its external relations. Ethics offers an ‘umbrella’ of moral reflection under which individuals call themselves and others to account in reaching decisions under circumstances in which neither laws and prevailing institutional regulations provide a clear action or outcome. Ethics is the area of debate between selfishness, self-interest and consideration of the other. Ethics is about reflecting before acting and about engaging with others about ‘doing the right thing’.
Management ethics has a particular focus on the personal integrity and character of the manager in resolving the conflicts that can arise within the organisation as well as in its external relations.

Data Model and Decision Making

Data, Model and Decisions is a compulsory course of MBA, its contents is quantitative rather than mathematical, and it is composed of the core course of management operational research and applied statistics. The former put emphasis on quantitative analysis and solving problems in economics and management, in order to pursue optimized solution, the latter put emphasis on comprehensive analysis and digging data and information, in order to find objective orders of nature. Data, Model and Decisions is the organic integration of these two subjects.
The Purpose of this course is to enhance the students’ capability of analyzing problems, and master basic modeling technology, via introducing basic approaches in management science.

Financial Accounting

Modern corporations operate in relations with numerous outside stakeholders such as investors, creditors, intermediaries, employees, customers, and regulatory bodies. These stakeholders need information about the entity they transact with so as to make optimal decisions. Although the information these stakeholders need is diverse in its form and content, the most important one is accounting information because it aids them to evaluate the value of corporation and its credit-worthiness. This course is designed to equip IMBA students who have no prior exposure to accounting with a powerful tool for their future career: accounting knowledge. This course will provide an introduction of the concepts and issues in financial accounting. It will also discuss the preparation and the interpretation of corporate financial statements in conjunction with information uses of investors and creditors in the capital market. In addition, the accounting procedures, underlying theories, and problem solving techniques will be emphasized throughout the course.

Managerial Economics

Managerial economics can be viewed as an application of that part of microeconomics that focuses on such topics as risk, demand, production, cost, pricing, and market structure. Understanding these principles will help to develop a rational decision-making perspective and will sharpen the analytical framework that the executive must bring to bear on managerial decisions.
Why is managerial economics so valuable to decision makers of firms? The answer to this question lies in the meaning of the term managerial economics. A manager is a person who directs resources to maximize profits. Economics is the science of making decisions in the presence of scarce resources. Resources are simply anything used to produce a good or service or, more generally, to achieve a goal. Decisions are important because scarcity implies that by making one choice, you give up another. Economic decisions thus involve the allocation of scarce resources, and a manager’s task is to allocate resources so as to best meet the manager’s goals.
Managerial economics, therefore, is the study of how to direct scarce resources in the way that most efficiently achieves the managerial goal. The main topics include demand, production, cost, pricing, market structure, and government regulation. A strong grasp of the principles that govern the economic behavior of firms and individuals is an important managerial talent. The rational application of these principles should result in better managerial decisions, higher profits, and an increase in the value of the firm. The key to making sound decisions is to know what information in needed to make an informed decision and then to collect and process the data. If you work for a large firm, your legal department can provide data about the legal ramifications of alternative decisions; your accounting department can provide tax advice and basic cost data; your marketing department can provide you with data on characteristics of the market for your product; and your firm’s financial analysts can provide summary data for alternative methods of obtaining financial capital. Ultimately, however, the manager must integrate all of this information, process it, and arrive at a decision. The remainder of this book will show you how to perform this important managerial function by using six principles that comprise effective management.
This course presents a comprehensive, up-to-date, and clear exposition of the principles in managerial economics. These principles are essential to maximizing profits or, more generally, the value of the firm. These principles imply the following requirements. An effective manager must (a) identify goals and constraints; (b) recognize the nature and importance of profits; (c) understand incentives; (d) understand markets; (e) recognize the time value of money; and (f) use managerial analysis.

Strategic Management

This course introduces MBA students to analytical frameworks managers use to formulate business and corporate strategies.  The goal of strategic management is to gain sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) – a concept that has much relevance beyond business organizations.  In fact, I encourage you to consider how the ideas and tools in this course can help you to achieve your professional and personal objectives. Firms attain SCA by building ‘distinctive competencies’ and deploying them more effectively than their rivals.  Similarly, each of us has strengths and weaknesses that enable us to excel easily at some tasks, but cause us to struggle with others.  Understanding these, and learning to compensate for our weaknesses and leverage our strengths, is critical life skills.  Organizations face the same challenge.  We’ll examine a variety of ‘moves’ through which firms position themselves to compete on their strengths while neutralizing the effects of their weaknesses.  These include: staking out a defensible cost or differentiation advantage; establishing an operational scope - vertically, horizontally, and globally - that will reinforce those positions; and developing organizational systems to support innovation and the search for new business opportunities. 

International Marketing

The objective of the course is to enable students to achieve an overview and understanding of international marketing as a managerial challenge. The emphasis is on an analysis of world markets, their respective consumers and environments, and the marketing management required to meet the demands of true world markets in a dynamic setting. Throughout the course, the students will develop the required skills in accessing competitive challenges and opportunities confronting today’s international marketers and formulating international marketing strategies.
This course features:
1. An emphasis on understanding, application and generalization;
2. A balanced learning experience of practical application and fundamental concepts;
3. Discussion of the issues pertaining to product, price, promotion and distribution decisions in the international context;
4. Key issues in globalization;
5. A stimulated appreciation for cultural adaptation in marketing programs.

2nd Semester (Core courses)
Operation Management

Operations Management (referred to as OM) issues are important in all organizations that produce goods or deliver services. These issues usually have a profound impact on the bottom line and success of each organization. This course will show that these issues need to be given adequate attention in the organization. If they are down-played or overlooked, there is a high risk for detrimental effects on profitability, service levels, and customer retention.
The objective of the course is to provide the students with an introduction to OM. Students will learn about the strategic relevance of OM, frequently used terms and concepts, process design and analysis, product development impact on operations, project management, forecasting and capacity analysis, issues in facility location, inventory management and production planning, supply chain management, just-in-time systems and logistics. Due to the broad nature of the subject, we will focus primarily on how to enhance operations and logistics capabilities that enable a firm to achieve a competitive advantage vis-à-vis its regional/global competitors.

International Business Law

International Business Law will examine the people, places, organizations and issues associated with doing business internationally. It will provide an introduction to the legal issues which need to be addressed in formulating and executing an international business strategy, in order to be competitive in the international business community.
Students must learn from the textbook reading, case studies and classroom discussions, and show an ability to recognize legal issues and suggest structured and innovative solutions to them.

Corporate Finance

The purpose of this course is to provide a broad introduction and overview of corporate finance. We will first study basic topics such as risk and return and basic securities valuation. Then for the remainder of the course, we learn how to evaluate projects and corporations from a financial management perspective.

Macroeconomics and Public Policy

All commerce takes place in the broad context of the macro economy; hence an understanding of factors that influence the overall economy is essential for business managers. This course provides an introduction to the language and data of macroeconomics, provide analytical tools for macroeconomic analysis, and build understanding of macroeconomic policy issues. Topics to be covered include: fundamentals of demand and supply, the forces affecting the macro economy, monetary and fiscal policy, and international considerations. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to apply macroeconomic data to describe a country’s economy and use analytical tools to understand how policy and external events alter the path of that economy.

Business Analytics and E-commerce

Business executives have a critical role in effectively leveraging digital technologies, e-commerce, and data analytics in their organizations and industries. The objective of this course is to equip you with an understanding of the technological, organizational, and strategic issues surrounding the management of e-commerce and business analytics in the digital age. We will examine key technology-related issues that organizations face, and explore analytical frameworks for making managerial decisions on diverse digital initiatives.

Environmental Movement and Corporate Strategy

The last decade witnessed an unprecedented increase of environmental consciousness, among governments, consumers, investors, and probably most importantly, the general public. This trend would unavoidably have a profound impact on corporate strategy and behaviors. This course aims to help students understand the environmental trends in future China, how various stakeholders work with companies for environmental improvement, and how companies should communicate and work with various stakeholders on environmental and social issues.

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior provides tools to understand, explain, and improve human behavior in organizations. Because many organizations and managers tend to focus their efforts on enhancing employee job performance (i.e., the degree to which individuals perform the behaviors needed for the organization to achieve its goals) and organizational commitment (i.e., desires to remain a member of the organization), this course will introduce and explain individual, group, and organizational issues that affect organizations and will give particular attention to issues that influence job performance and organizational commitment. Topics, such as motivation, organizational justice, individual differences, leadership, and organizational culture will be discussed. This course also provides a multi-background platform for students to exchange knowledge, apprehend differences, and improve their communication skills through class exercises and team projects.

Scientific writing, integrity and ethics

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of academic writing and research practices. It aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective researchers, writers, and communicators in their respective fields of study.

Year 2

3rd Semester (Elective courses)
International Finance

Students will analyze, organize and execute communication tasks in a variety of business settings and will learn to develop and apply sound professional judgment in various international business environments. Students will be expected to improve their practical abilities to evaluate, prepare and deliver reports, speeches and presentations. This will be accomplished via class exercises and group learning inside and outside the classroom.

Entrepreneurship Management

Entrepreneurship is a desirable trait of managers, not only for new and small firms, but also for older and larger firms that wish to rejuvenate their business and/or their product lines. Entrepreneurs introduce innovations in products, services, and processes, which in turn serve to raise business productivity, increase employment, and enhance global competitiveness. The aim of this particular unit is to equip students with a thorough knowledge of important issues surrounding entrepreneurial management and the establishment of new business ventures.

International Exchange  

International Enchange at partner schools all over the world.


Human Resource Management

For modern businesses, effectively managing employees is critical to a company’s success. This course provides a systematic introduction to the concepts, theories, and methods of human resource management (HRM), combined with discussions on real-world HRM practices and challenges.
Special focus will be given to the Chinese context. The instructor and students will explore how HRM theories and tools can be effectively applied to the management of firms in China.
The course covers topics such as strategic human resource management, organizational and job design, strategic HR planning, recruitment and selection, performance management, compensation management, training and development, and managing star performers.

Strategic Investment

This course covers the optimal decision making of corporate strategic investment—which involves both corporate finance (large corporate investment) and corporate strategy (investment strategy under competition).
This course synthesizes (i) the real options approach to capital investment under uncertainty and (ii) the game-theoretic treatment of strategic interactions under competition. This provides an advanced quantitative framework for making corporate strategic investment, which involves both high uncertainty and intense competition from competing firms.
The emphasis is on the coherent nature of the framework and its application to corporate strategic investment—through both lectures and cases. The course also highlights how the new framework to investment may change our way of thinking—for both investment and other real-life decision making.

Global Marketing Strategy

This IMBA elective aims to develop strategic thinking in a global marketing context. A competitive business simulation constitutes the core of the course. A mix of lectures, case studies, workshops and discussions will provide context and guide you through the simulation.
You will work in teams. Each team is assumed to work for a major multinational consumer goods company that tries to expand its business into Latin America. To this end, the teams need to decide how best to enter this potentially lucrative region. All the teams compete within the same computer simulated environment. This allows the teams to compete against each other. The simulation covers multiple periods (years), and after each period, the results of your decisions can be compared, for example in terms of market share or profitability. As the simulation covers multiple periods, you can observe both the short-term and long-term effects of your decisions.

Blockchain Fundamentals for Business Leaders

This course is designed to provide business leaders with a practical, business-focused understanding of blockchain technology. It is not a computer science course, but rather a business course. Therefore, the emphasis is deliberately non-technical, aimed at upper-middle managers who are unfamiliar with blockchain but are eager to explore its potential.
You will learn how blockchain can create new value streams, enhance operational efficiency, and open new opportunities for your company. It is not practical from a managerial perspective to consider blockchain in isolation from the broader business environment. Therefore, this course extends its focus beyond blockchain itself, emphasizing its role as an integral component of the overall business process. Specifically, the course will not only delve into blockchain technology but also explore key business elements critical to its successful integration and application. By the end of the course, you will possess the knowledge and strategic mindset necessary to make informed decisions about integrating blockchain into business strategies.

4th Semester

We encourage our students to do their dissertation as a part of a company project (internship). This gives them the opportunity to apply what they have learnt to real practice.

Graduation Ceremony and Lifelong-learning 

Free courses, Antai Forum, Venture Capital Fund and Alumni Club would be all opened for Antai Alumni even after the graduation.